My trip to Atlanta for ProPractice class was amazing. We visited Interface Flooring showroom, TVS designs, Gensler, Cooper Carry, Herman Miller, and ASD. From this trip I gained the confidence to enter in the design work field. I realized that the design process we have developed in school is exactly what is done in the professional world. This trip was reassuring and restored faith that I had in the economic downturn. Each firm told us that the economy is getting better and the work keeps coming in, so people will need to be hired.
It started with a beautiful sunset on our road trip down to ATL
Had to get a picture of Ikea! (visible from TVS designs)
Single Page Summary Portfolio. I chose to represent one project from Third Year Spring Semester. It was a mix used project with the concept of a hub. I worked on this project in a group and was assigned to design the first floor market, cafe, and entrance area as shown.