Friday, March 27, 2009

Alternatives Unit

The Alternatives unit was composed of focus on Venice, the Renaissance, and the Baroque era. It took an organization of government to get out of the middle ages and gothic movement. Through this organization architects incorporated geometry within architecture and landscape designs. This process over centuries played its part to develop society, and to leave a lasting impression throughout design.
Venice was a highlight of this section. The development of this city on water was technologically advanced for its time. The fact of Venice still standing today is impressing. Venice was highly designed suitable for it's environment. Through the periphery of the water the canal system lead Venetians through the town and allowed them to live properly. The influence of Palladian villas was greatly used even onto today. We developed our idea off of Andrea Palladio’s designs and have created our own style. This process of rebuilding and influential design towards the future was of abundance in Venice. The beauty of this little city can greatly be appreciated by all who visit.
Moving onto the Renaissance the rebirth took place. The revival of rationality took place through out the 14th and 16th centuries. The Piazza di San Pietro was a start of giving Rome a facelift. The unification of the facades of the colonnade and design of the Vatican was of major importance. This idea to bring Rome together through boulevards connecting attractions, pulled rationality into the audience of the Renaissance.
The introduction to the Baroque era was abundant of character. This sense of enlightenment was seen in Versailles. The idea that the King could control everything including the landscape of nature was new.

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