Friday, September 4, 2009

Rock Your Groove

This store was designed for customers who love music and who are unique in style. The market that is targeted ranges from teenagers to young adults. The atmosphere in the store is upbeat and allows the customer to let loose dance and shop all in one store. The floor is lit from beneath along with overhead l.e.d. lighting. The bags and hats are displayed among the left and right hand walls within the bamboo grooves. Chaboo benches are located among the front of the store for those resting during their shopping experience. The products sold in the store will vary by brand being that this store is offering hundreds of styles to the consumer. It is all about the customer, custom designs and airbrushing will be available to personalize one's style. Come enjoy and get lost in your groove!

1 comment:

Lucas Gillispie said...

Nice design. You may be surprised, but older adults may also be attracted to that sort of store. Good blend of pop culture (Apple-esque) and functionality. I think anyone would, in the very least, be drawn to a store like this.
